Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This information notice is provided by, in its capacity as the controller of personal data (hereinafter «Data Controller») pursuant to Article 13 of Legislative Decree No. 196 of June 30, 2003 regarding the protection of personal data (hereinafter the «Privacy Code») in order to describe the manner the User’s own personal data (hereinafter «Data») is collected and processed by the Data Controller.


Data Collection

User Data may be collected by the Data Controller when registering for the Newsletter, when browsing the Site, when subscribing to specific services offered by the Site.

The Newsletter may also contain advertising banners, advertisements and offers from both the Data Controller and third parties.

When registering for any individual services, the User will be asked to enter certain Data. The User is invited to check which are indicated as mandatory and which are indicated as optional.

Site navigation and cookies

Each User has the option to independently deactivate cookies through the software used on his or her personal computer for consulting the Internet (so-called «browser»). Many browsers are set to accept cookies in the absence of different instructions from the User. The Owner invites Users to check their browser settings with reference to cookies, and to adjust them according to their preferences, bearing in mind, however, that in order to take advantage of some Services it may be necessary to enable the reception of cookies (in such cases the User will be duly informed).

The technological platform through which the Site is made available to the User, including through cookies, automatically records certain information about the User’s personal computer and navigation, such as: the name of his/her Internet access provider, site of origin, pages visited, date and duration of the visit, etc.

This information is used only to enable the enjoyment of certain Services and/or may be used in aggregate form for statistical purposes.

The Site also has the possibility of analyzing, again in aggregate form, the opinions and preferences expressed by the User in the context of the Services made available.

Registration to specific Services

When registering for specific Services, the User may be required to make certain additional Data. In this case, the Data will be classified as mandatory and optional with application of the same rules as in the preceding point.

Methods of Data Processing

Data concerning Users will be processed by means of computer and telematic methods and, for particular operations, by means of paper media.

Purpose of Data Processing

Users’ Data will be processed by the Data Controller to:

  • enable the use of particular Services for which an express consent of the User given from time to time is required;
  • sending the Newsletter (only in case of consent);
  • sending advertising material and carrying out direct sales, market research or commercial communication activities concerning products or services of the Owner or third parties (hereinafter «Direct Marketing Activities») only with consent.

The Data are never disseminated, except those that the User voluntarily makes available on any publicly accessible common areas of the Site. The Owner invites Users to carefully consider any disclosure or communication of their Data and/or information to third parties and assumes no responsibility for any possible consequences.

Rights of Users

In accordance with the provisions of Article 7 of the Privacy Code, the Data Controller grants the user the right to change at any time his preferences regarding the processing of personal data concerning him, and to obtain confirmation of the existence or non-existence of such data, as well as to know their origin, content, purposes and methods of processing, to request their updating, rectification, integration, or to request the cancellation or blocking of those processed in violation of the law. The User has, moreover, the right to object to the processing of his data, as well as to request at any time the cessation of the processing for the purposes of market research, sending advertising material, direct sales, commercial communication.

The rights just listed can be exercised by writing to

Changes to this document

Without prejudice to the fact that the Data Controller in any case does not proceed to processing operations other than those expressly authorized and/or requested by each User, this information notice may be subject to changes in order to comply with new legal provisions, to the Owner’s changed data processing policies and/or as a result of changes in the features of the Site and/or the Service.

Any updated version of this policy will be made available on the Site in the dedicated section: the Owner therefore invites all Users to periodically consult the Site to be always informed of the latest version uploaded.